> Inital commit!

- First post!

Hi, I'm Bob Varioa, and this here is my site!

First, an intro to me as a person. I'm huge nerd that really, really loves computers. Hell, I have images of me as a 3 year old typing on a keyboard if that tells you anything. I've programmed for the better part of 7 years now, and spend most of my time in the accursed land of javascript. I'm a frontend dev through and through, but not really the best with design work (give me a design though and I'll make it), I'm more of a performance guy and best practices type dev.

I also have a huge love for social history and linguistics, and am attempting, keyword attempting, to be a bit of a polyglot. Currently, I only know English, French, and Portuguese, but eventually I want to learn Japanese, probably Arabic, and maybe some German.

All that being said my goal with this blog is to share more about what I do, and hey maybe some of y'all will like what I write about :P. Be sure to follow the rss feed if you're interested, and that's enough for now, have a great rest of your morning, evening, or day :)

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